The Impact Position (front view)
IMPACT POSITION. The most important point in a golf swing. Some of the important parts of a good right handed impact for irons would be: Weight is transferring to left leg 90 – 10 and into left heel. Body is turning out of the way to the left. Left leg straightening. Left arm is straight. Right arm still slightly bent. Hands leading the clubhead.
Here’s a few reasons why people may not get this important position. Driver could have to little amount of loft. Lie angles on irons are too flat. Grip position is too weak. Too little overall clubhead speed. Overswing. A slicer… etc COMMON MISTAKE The weight still remaining on the right foot at this point and the hands not leading the clubhead through the impact area. The picture is showing the correct way, hands leading the clubhead through impact. PRO TIP To get a good impact position practice hitting low ball flights with 8 or 9 irons into the wind.