The Golf Downswing (front view)
The 1st part of the downswing should have the player moving their weight from the approx., 50 – 50 distribution at the top of the swing to 60 – 40 at this point. 60 on this player’s left foot. It’s not just a lower body shift but the upper must stay on top of the lower so they move together. If the lower body is too aggressive the upper can be left behind, falling backward. FATAL ERROR! The arms should fall down to hip height as the shift happens into an area called the slot. In the next position the body will start to turn through. COMMON MISTAKE Too many players cast the club out like a fishing line from the top of the backswing down to the area the picture is showing…. so the 90 degree angle formed by the left arm and the club at the top should be maintained down to the slot area. If this doesn’t happen, there will be a power loss and many mishits will result. PRO TIP Keep your weight on the inside of your right foot (not the outside) at the top of the backswing, and push off the right foot to get to this downswing position.