Taking your Game from 3hdcp to Professional Tour.
Taking your game from a 3hdcp to a professional tour is a bigger step than players think. It’s not necessarily about banging out a couple extra buckets weekly to get better.
It’s all about Micro-Managing your game. It’s all about the little things that will make the difference, attention to detail. I’m going to give you some ideas here on how to become that elite player; First, going to your golf instructor for a lesson and responding to them after he/she asks, “so why are you here today? what are you having trouble with?”… with… “well I don’t know, I’m just not consistent, I don’t know where the ball is going and i can’t seem to sink a putt”. This is just not a very good answer to give. There is no valuable content in this player’s answer…. but unfortunately it’s a common answer. Regularly responding with this type of answer will keep this player off the pro circuit for a long time. This player has given the instructor a very “wishy washy” description of their problems. The player is not in tune with themselves or their game of golf! Here’s an example of a proper answer for when your instructor asks, “so why are you here today? what are you having trouble with”? “I am hitting the long irons a slight bit towards the heel regularly, especially on ball below my feet lies. My driver is generally great, but miss 2 per round off the heel, then the miss is off to the right. Usually happens on par 5’s. Not getting lag putts to the hole, tendency is short. Feels like the putter is twisting and a lot of body movement happening. Otherwise everything else is good to go!” This is a great answer for the instructor to go to work with. This player is in tune. This lesson will not take very long at all. When a player is able to give valuable feedback on what is happening out there on the big stage, it will save time, money and frustration. Summary, If you think “wishy washy” you will generally play “wishy washy”. Know what you’re doing and what you want to do, be smart, be in tune. It’s your time to become a great player!
Other factors to consider: YOUR TEAM You will have to start building a team to support you. Golf Instructor for the mechanics, Mental Coach for playing the game, Fitness coach for getting in shape and maintaining it, Club and Ball sponsor for equipment, clubs will need to be fitted to a “T”, Nutrition coach for tips on how to eat before, during and after games. A sponsor for initial funds would be nice if it’s required. PRACTICE ROUNDS Absolutely no more playing tournaments without 1 or 2 practice rounds before the tournament itself. Like the Mental coach will tell you, you must have the confidence to know which club to pull for each shot. Within reason of course. Need to know where which parts of the course you need to play cautiously and where to be aggressive. SHORT GAME You will need to be a short game wizard! This is generally the main difference between low hdcps and the Big Boys! Practice and play with great short game players, ONLY! MORE TO COME LATER! If you would like further instruction on improving your golf swing in a live lesson environment. Golf lessons can be booked at 416 402 7171 or gkgolfschool@gmail.com Contact us! I would love to hear from you! Please let me know if there is a particular golf swing issue you would like me to cover in one of my blogs. I would me happy to give you my professional advice. Gary Kent