…for Good Golf, get Back to Basics.
It’s spring here in Ontario and the golf season is upon us. When getting back to hitting golf balls and preparing our golf swing for a good year of ball striking and scoring, we need to keep our fundamentals basic. Keeping them basic, user friendly, fundamental, pro like or what ever you want to call them, will make it easier to duplicate and be consistent, plus it will be easier to repair when things go bush bound. Funky grips, slouchy postures and overswings make for high maintenance golf swings. Inconsistent contact and it’s incredibly hard on the body. Here’s the hand position. From the players view the person should see 2 or 3 knuckles on the left hand when they look down, and the left thumb is covered by the right hand palm. The line formed between the right thumb and index finger should point approx., right ear.
The posture should have the player bend forward from the hips keeping the back relatively straight but not tight or rigid. Knees bent enough to be able to move but not so much that you look like you’re wearing ski boots.