The 1st part of the downswing should have the player moving their weight from the approx., 50 – 50 distribution at the top of the swing to 60 – 40 at this point. 60 on this [...]
Once you’ve completed the backswing, the club should point left of the target as the picture shows. Shoulders are turned about 90 degrees, hips turned 45 degrees. Your weight should stay on [...]
The Golf Swing Tip today is about the full extension of the arms just after contact of the ball. Many recreational players bend their arms during this point of the golf swing. This happens for [...]
Once the club has reached parallel to the ground it should be approx., parallel to the target line. If you had to make a mistake either way be sure the clubhead is slightly inside the hands as [...]
As you start the club back from the ball, the clubhead should stay outside the hands until you reach the position the picture is showing here. “Parallel to the target line”. As your [...]
From this rear view the club shaft should return to the same position it started at address. Hips are turned at least 45 degrees to the left from original address position. Right heel is rolling [...]
This is the pre-impact position. Maintaining some angle between the left arm and the shaft of the club can help maximize your clubhead speed and really helps with your iron play contact. The [...]
While we are still in the midst of winter, a hint of sunshine reminds us that a new golf season is coming up. Some of the lucky ones are teeing up the ball now in the sunny south, while the rest [...]
A Downhill Golf Shot can be extremely punishing for some players. Tendency for many people is to hit the ground before the ball and not get the golf ball into the air, or to the putting green. [...]
Taking your game from a 3hdcp to a professional tour is a bigger step than players think. It’s not necessarily about banging out a couple extra buckets weekly to get better. It’s all [...]